March 1, 2006 - Introduced by Senator Reynolds. Referred to Committee on
Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and
Government Reform.
SB648,1,4 1An Act to amend 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. a., 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. b., 100.30 (2) (am)
21m. c., 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. d., 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. e., 100.30 (2) (c) 1g., 100.30
3(2) (c) 1r. and 100.30 (3); and to create 100.30 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes; relating
regulating the minimum price of motor vehicle fuel.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Unfair Sales Act or "minimum markup" law prohibits
"loss leaders," or wholesale and retail sales of merchandise at a price below the cost
of the merchandise to the seller. With respect to motor vehicle fuel, current law
prescribes certain formulas for calculating cost; a separate formula applies to each
of several categories of wholesalers and retailers. Each calculation includes a
minimum markup to cover a portion of the cost of doing business.
The minimum markup for a wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel is currently 3
percent, which means that the wholesaler must sell the fuel for at least 3 percent
more than the cost of the fuel to the wholesaler. The minimum markup for the sale
of motor vehicle fuel at a retail station owned by a refiner or a motor vehicle fuel
wholesaler is 9.18 percent of the cost to the wholesaler or 9.18 percent of the average
posted terminal price, whichever is greater. The "average posted terminal price" is
an average price at which motor vehicle fuel is offered on a specific date, plus certain
excise taxes and overhead costs. The minimum markup for the sale of fuel at a retail
station not owned by a refiner or wholesaler is either 6 percent of the cost or 9.18
percent of the average posted terminal price, whichever is greater. The minimum

markup for the retail sale of motor vehicle at a location other than a retail station
is 3 percent. Current law does not define "retail station."
This bill eliminates the minimum markup component of each formula for
calculating the cost of motor vehicle fuel. For sales of motor vehicle fuel, the bill
changes the definition of loss leader from a sale below cost to a sale at or below cost.
As a result, motor vehicle fuel must be sold at a price greater than the cost to the
seller, but the cost no longer includes a minimum markup for the cost of doing
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB648, s. 1 1Section 1. 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,2,122 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. a. In the case of the retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a
3refiner at a retail station owned or operated either directly or indirectly by the
4refiner, the refiner's lowest selling price to other retailers or to wholesalers of motor
5vehicle fuel on the date of the refiner's retail sale, less all trade discounts except
6customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use taxes imposed on the
7motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for transportation and any
8other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost of the motor vehicle fuel, plus
9a markup of 9.18% of that amount to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing
; or the average posted terminal price at the terminal located closest to the
11retail station plus a markup of 9.18% of the average posted terminal price to cover
12a proportionate part of the cost of doing business
; whichever is greater.
SB648, s. 2 13Section 2. 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,3,814 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. b. In the case of the retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a
15wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel, who is not a refiner, at a retail station owned or
16operated either directly or indirectly by the wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel, the
17invoice cost of the motor vehicle fuel to the wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel within
1810 days prior to the date of sale, or the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel,

1whichever is lower, less all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus
2any excise, sales or use taxes imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale, and any
3cost incurred for transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the
4invoice cost or replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, plus a markup of 9.18% of
5that amount to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing business
; or the average
6posted terminal price at the terminal located closest to the retail station plus a
7markup of 9.18% of the average posted terminal price to cover a proportionate part
8of the cost of doing business
; whichever is greater.
SB648, s. 3 9Section 3. 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,3,2110 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. c. In the case of the retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a
11person other than a refiner or a wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel at a retail station,
12the invoice cost of the motor vehicle fuel to the retailer within 10 days prior to the
13date of sale, or the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, whichever is lower, less
14all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use
15taxes imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for
16transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost or
17the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, plus a markup of 6% of that amount
18to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing business
; or the average posted
19terminal price at the terminal located closest to the retailer plus a markup of 9.18%
20of the average posted terminal price to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing
; whichever is greater.
SB648, s. 4 22Section 4. 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,4,623 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. d. In the case of a retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a
24refiner at a place other than a retail station, the refiner's lowest selling price to other
25retailers or to wholesalers of motor vehicle fuel on the date of the refiner's retail sale,

1less all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales
2or use taxes imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred
3for transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost
4of the motor vehicle fuel to which shall be added a markup to cover a proportionate
5part of the cost of doing business, which markup, in the absence of proof of a lesser
6cost, shall be 3% of the cost to the retailer as set forth in this subd. 1m. d
SB648, s. 5 7Section 5. 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. e. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,4,178 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. e. In the case of a retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a person
9other than a refiner at a place other than a retail station, the invoice cost of the motor
10vehicle fuel to the retailer within 10 days prior to the date of the sale, or the
11replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, whichever is lower, less all trade discounts
12except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use taxes imposed on
13the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for transportation and any
14other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost or the replacement cost of
15the motor vehicle fuel to which shall be added a markup to cover a proportionate part
16of the cost of doing business, which markup, in the absence of proof of a lesser cost,
17shall be 3% of the cost to the retailer as set forth in this subd. 1m. e
SB648, s. 6 18Section 6. 100.30 (2) (c) 1g. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,5,219 100.30 (2) (c) 1g. With respect to the wholesale sale of motor vehicle fuel by a
20refiner, "cost to wholesaler" means the refiner's lowest selling price to other retailers
21or to wholesalers of motor vehicle fuel on the date of the refiner's wholesale sale, less
22all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use
23taxes imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for
24transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost of
25the motor vehicle fuel, to which shall be added a markup to cover a proportionate part

1of the cost of doing business, which markup, in the absence of proof of a lesser cost,
2shall be 3% of the cost to the wholesaler as set forth in this subdivision
SB648, s. 7 3Section 7. 100.30 (2) (c) 1r. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,5,144 100.30 (2) (c) 1r. With respect to the wholesale sale of motor vehicle fuel by a
5person other than a refiner, "cost to wholesaler" means the invoice cost of the motor
6vehicle fuel to the wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel within 10 days prior to the date
7of the sale or the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, whichever is lower, less
8all trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use
9taxes imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for
10transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost or
11the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel to which shall be added a markup to
12cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing business, which markup, in the absence
13of proof of a lesser cost, shall be 3% of the cost to the wholesaler as set forth in this
SB648, s. 8 15Section 8. 100.30 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB648,5,1716 100.30 (3) Illegality of loss leaders. Any (a) In this subsection, "loss leader"
17means any of the following:
SB648,5,20 181. Except as provided in subd. 2., the sale of any an item of merchandise either
19by a retailer, or wholesaler, wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel or refiner, at less than
20cost as defined in this section.
SB648,6,4 21(b) A loss leader by a retailer, wholesaler, wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel, or
22refiner, when made
with the intent or effect of inducing the purchase of other
23merchandise or of unfairly diverting trade from a competitor, impairs and prevents
24fair competition, injures public welfare, and is unfair competition and contrary to
25public policy and the policy of this section. Such sales are prohibited. Evidence of any

1sale of any item of merchandise
a loss leader by any a retailer, wholesaler, wholesaler
2of motor vehicle fuel, or refiner at less than cost as defined in this section shall be
3prima facie evidence of intent or effect to induce the purchase of other merchandise,
4or to unfairly divert trade from a competitor, or to otherwise injure a competitor.
SB648, s. 9 5Section 9. 100.30 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB648,6,76 100.30 (3) (a) 2. The sale of motor vehicle fuel by a retailer, wholesaler of motor
7vehicle fuel, or refiner at a price equal to or less than cost as defined in this section.
SB648, s. 10 8Section 10. Initial applicability. (1) This act first applies to sales of motor
9vehicle fuel occurring on the effective date of this subsection.
SB648,6,1010 (End)